Capillary electrophoresis – Mass spectrometry

Our lab has unique expertise in capillary electrophoresis, a separative technique adapted to charged and water-soluble species.
In Toulouse, we have the only equipment coupled to a spectrometer that allows precise characterisation of species during separation.

Equipment features

CE/MS Agilent Technologies:
  • CE 7100, sample-pass carousel
  • temperature from 10 to 40°C
  • UV-visible detector from 190 to 600 nm
  • Triple Quad, ESI source, mass range: m/z 50 to 2000 for coupling with capillary electrophoresis
Bruker  micrOTOF-QII, coupled with UHPLC Thermo Ultimate 3000:
  • ESI ionisation source (electrospray)
  • mass range: m/z 50 to 4000
  • mass accuracy: 1 ppm
photo de l'électrophorèse capillaire ©David Villa / Science Image CNRS
photo du spectromètre de masse ©Sébastien Chastanet