Size exclusion chromatography (SEC)
The laboratory has considerable expertise in chromatography techniques, particularly those dedicated to polymers. We operate multiple aqueous and organic solvent SEC lines, equipped with multi-angle light scattering, refractive index and UV-visible detectors.
Equipment features
Aqueous phase:
- 18-angle DLS detector: Wyatt Treos II
(laser at 658 nm ; molar mass from 200 Da to 10 MDa) - RI detector: Wyatt, Optilab rex
- UV-visible detector: wavelength from 190 to 800 nm
Organic phase:
- 3-angle DLS detector : Wyatt Dawn Heleos
(laser at 658 nm ; molar mass from 200 Da to 10 MDa) - RI detector: Agilent, 1260 Infinity II
- UV-visible detector: wavelength from 190 to 800 nm