Laure conducts her research in the IDeAS team at the Softmat laboratory.
On the 6th of October, she defended her habilitation to supervise PhD students, which she prepared during this very special period, marking a milestone in her career.
With a PhD in cellular and molecular biology, obtained in 2010 in Quebec, Laure was recruited by the CNRS in 2016, after several academic and industrial research contracts. She joined the Softmat laboratory (ex-IMRCP) in October 2018. Two years later, she defended this habilitation, highlighting tissue engineering as a tool for understanding and improving the delivery of therapeutic molecules at the tissue scale.
The aim of her research is to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms and efficacy of drug-molecule transfer by physical (electroporation) or chemical (polymeric nanovectors) vectorisation at tissue scale in a cutaneous and/or tumoral context. The original point raised by the results and discussion is the importance of focusing on the intrinsic effect of the vector (per se), i.e. the electric field alone in the case of electroporation, and the polymers themselves in the case of chemical vectorisation.
Made up of biologists, chemists and physicists, the jury praised the multidisciplinary nature of her work and its translational potential.
Congratulations to Laure!