Valérie Sartor & Stéphane Gineste received a prize in the CAES-CNRS Imagemo 2019 competition

On 15th of May in Paris, Valérie Sartor, a researcher in the SMODD team, and Stéphane Gineste, an engineer in the IDeAS team at the Softmat laboratory, were awarded the Photofolie prize in the 2019 Imagemo competition organised by the CAES of the CNRS for their photograph entitled “Beyond”.

Their first art photos were discovered during a photography competition held in the laboratory in 2017. Since then, they have been trying to illustrate the job and environment of a chemical researcher in a fun and educational way.

Following the announcement of the results of the Imagemo competition, Valérie and Stéphane were interviewed: in the video below (from 2:43min) you can immerse yourself in their creative world, a testament to their boundless imagination…

Congratulations to our two artists!